Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Where is it - round 4

Name the city. I'm making it a little tougher this time - no large version of the picture. What you see is what you have to work with.


Anonymous said...

This is a hard one, but after a collaberative effort with my husband...we are guessing Sydney.

Karl Plesz said...

Then you would be guessing correctly.

Anonymous said...

nice one I was cruising around on google earth and looked at Botany Bay

I guess I should have zoomed out further.

It's fun keep posting them Karl.
but make them bigger the eyes arn't what they used to be


Karl Plesz said...

The problem with posting the bigger versions is that I have to host them somewhere and the only hosting space I have is my Nucleus web host space totalling 10MB. Between hosting music samples and these giant pics, I'll run out of space fast. Besides, I thought making the pic a little smaller would challenge more people. But I never meant to discriminate against those with bad eyesight......

Anonymous said...

Not bad eyesite so much as a small monitor at the monment
