The classic rock radio station in Calgary has a decent morning show. Recently, they began a new trivia game called Stump the Chumps. They choose a random topic (music, movies, TV, whatever) and callers have to try and stump the morning show people with a question. They pride themselves on being trivia buffs, so it's usually a good showing.
So imagine if you will, that you have a question to stump the chumps. I'm guessing that not only do you have a great question - but that you also know the answer to said question, right? Well, not this one guy. He actually called in, posed a question, stumped them, and when the radio dudes asked "so what's the answer?", the caller didn't know. Then the caller got upset when the radio crew said, "well, that doesn't qualify - you have to know the answer to your own question!"
I'm not making this up folks............
That's funny! BTW, what was the question?
I think it was something like: In the movie the Commitments, who was the sax player's inspiration?
I havent heard the contest yet....must be on cjay though. Am I right Karl?
No, it was Q107 FM
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