Monday, November 20, 2006

Lasagna - real easy like

I loves me a good lasagna. Darlene taught me to make it myself, as I do not like ricotta cheese in mine - thank you very much. So let me impart unto you, my easy lasagna recipe.

You'll need almost a pound of ground beef; about a full jar of Prego (or your favourite pre-made tomato sauce); those express lasagna noodles that cook in the oven; and a package of shredded mozza.

Start by browning and draining the ground beef. Once it's done, add the tomato sauce. I like to use Prego Tomato Onion & Garlic because it's got all the ingredients I need in the right combination. It only suffers from one small problem. It's too thick. This is easy to deal with. Nine times out of ten, I'm using a half empty jar of the stuff, so I empty it into the saucepan and rinse the jar out with a few ounces of warm water. This not only gets the rest of the sauce out, but adds the water I need to lubricate the sauce a bit. If it's the consistency you'd normally want for spaghetti, it's good to go, otherwise just add some water until it feels right. So we simmer that for a little while, meanwhile we get our lasagna pan out and grease it. When the sauce is ready, we start with a layer of sauce, then a layer of noodle, then more sauce, noodle, etc. The trick is to completely wet each noodle layer - both sides. My lasagna ends up looking something like sauce/ noodle/ sauce/ noodle/ sauce/ cheese/ noodle/ sauce/ lots of cheese (cross-section listed from bottom to top). If your sauce runs out or you find there are gaps between the layers and the sides of the pan, I just open more sauce (one can never have too much Prego around) and pour it directly down the sides. You want everything fully submerged. Pop that sucker into a 350 degree oven and bake for an hour. Serves 2-3. This is not a runny lasagna, because much of the liquid is absorbed by the noodles. Just the way I likes it.

Pic from StrauAYer.

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