Monday, November 06, 2006

The interweb to the rescue

Have you ever been on the phone with someone and you really wish you could end the call - but you just didn't have the heart to come up with something convincing to terminate the conversation? It helps if you have sound effects going on in the background - so if your kids are screaming, it's not too hard to just say, "I'm sorry, but as you can hear, my kids are taking advantage of me being on the phone to re-enact a scene from Lost Boys........ I gotta go." But how often do convenient call-enders like that arrive on cue?

Here comes to the rescue. At this site, you'll find sound effects ranging from the car alarm going off, the smoke alarm sounding, doorbell ringing, baby crying, something breaking....... the list goes on.

Photo by nyssa j brown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just played "I have to feed the cat" and my own cat is going crazy looking all over the place for the "other cat". He, he, he!