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WAY to funnyJM
Hhhhmmm... Jade is even still written from left to right. She may feel as if she has caught that dyslexia flu that’s going around.
I'm guessing that 'he' wrote it, then stuck it on her forehead so he'd remember her name in the morning..... ?I don't think the joke works quite as well if 'she' wrote it. Or does it?
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WAY to funny
Hhhhmmm... Jade is even still written from left to right. She may feel as if she has caught that dyslexia flu that’s going around.
I'm guessing that 'he' wrote it, then stuck it on her forehead so he'd remember her name in the morning..... ?
I don't think the joke works quite as well if 'she' wrote it. Or does it?
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