Monday, October 09, 2006

No dishes to clean either....

This Thanksgiving we decided to let someone else cook dinner for us......... specifically, we let the chefs at the Delta Kananaskis take care of it. For those of you unfamiliar with the Calgary area, Kananaskis Country is the closest Rocky Mountain destination to the city, with the added bonus of no park entrance fees (unlike Banff). The meal was great in that I got to sample a lot more variety than I would have at home (cooking for 2 isn't easy). Overall quality I rate a 7 (I'm a stickler for food that is served hot). We were seated right by a window and the view (almost sunset) was breathtaking. Snow was already covering most of the mountains and yet there were still some coloured leaves on some trees. I'm so glad to be living in an area so close to such raw beauty.

The highlight for me was watching the kids. Temper tantrums and crying fits aside (counting to 3 doesn't work, mom), the Delta put on a separate buffet spread just for them, down nearer the floor at their level. Fun to watch. The dote-a-thon was funny too. It was like watching a practice run for Xmas, some parents were pretty much letting their kids have whatever they wanted.... and getting photographic evidence of it to study later. Staff were in great supply going table to table performing magic tricks and making balloon animals. It was quite a spectacle.

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