There's a new toy on my wish list. I may be scratching it off the list (translation - buying it) before Xmas, but I'm hoping to garner feedback from real (translation - not paid by the company) people who have actually used the product.
The product is the Roomba Discovery vacuum. It's a little robot that will clean whatever floor you unleash it on, with the ability to return to its charger before it runs out of juice. It can avoid furniture, stairs, and can be contained in an area using the virtual walls that are included. I understand that it won't do as good a job on carpeting as a human with a powerful vac, but now that we have mostly hardwood flooring, I'm thinking it might do the trick. Plus, I'll get to own a real robot! Yay!
I even have a plan to help pay for it. I'm going to sell tickets to people who own cats who want to bring them over to experience their reactions to the little automaton........
Will you name it Rosie?
I am now............
Thanks for the idea.
I absolutely adore talking to make me laugh....ha
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