Friday, August 11, 2006

It's possibly liquid explosives....... stupid!

I'm still shaking my head over this one.

"So CNN is reporting: "Because the plot involved taking liquid explosives aboard planes in carry-ons, passengers at all U.S. and British airports, and those boarding U.S.-bound flights at other international airports, are banned from taking any liquids onto planes."

And then they have the photo of the TSA guy dumping a tub of confiscated possibly explosive liquids into a garbage can in a crowd of people."

Thanks to boingboing.


Joseph-Dolores Poliakon said...

Great minds and great heads shake alike. I had the same “what’s wrong with this picture” thoughts while watching the TV coverage of the UK and TSA agents mixing their own 40 gallon cocktail of potentially “weaponized” lipstick, liquid makeup, deodorant, hair gel, shaving gel, sun blocker, moisturizer, toothpaste, after shave, water and gallons of duty-free liquor. Worse than just those single 40 gallon sized waste basket being filled with possible liquid bomb components midst the crowds of queued up passengers, I saw TV video of TSA agents loading and filling a dumpster with multiple 40 gallon sized trash bags filled with the collected potentially “weaponized” liquids.

A point to note. None of these confiscated items were sampled or analyzed in any way by anyone to see if any liquid bomb component materials were actually captured in the collection process. I expect not since there have been no reports of any airport dumpsters spontaneously exploding.

Karl Plesz said...

There's a saying (attributed to Benjamin Franklin - although he denies it):

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."