Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Squeaky cheese!

I had never had fresh cheese curds - and by fresh, I mean 'have been made that morning'. Until today. Fresh from Warwick Quebec, I had a small bag of Kingsley cheese curds - apparently the best ever. They were squeakin' awesome!


Anonymous said...

Maxflex said,

Shut up Karl, have you had real poutine yet ?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Norm you grew up in Montreal and you never had poutine? It was one of the first things I had in Montreal after a Swartzs' Smoked Meat


Karl Plesz said...

I didn't say I never had poutine. I didn't even say I never had curds before. I specifically said I never had "fresh" curds before. By themselves. That had never been refrigerated. RTFB!

Anonymous said...

Soo Sorry K I need to learn to read
