Monday, April 24, 2006

Beaver sighting

I was driving on my way to visit my sister and her family today and saw a beaver on the side of the road. Not road-kill - a real live beaver. It may not sound like a big deal, but it has been a long time since I've seen a beaver in the wild - what with living in Alberta for the last 12 years. No - I'm not in Alberta right now......


Anonymous said...

I can show you semi-wild Beavers right in Calgary and not far from where you work! It's very cool, we take the kids over to this little park every spring and sit and watch the beavers working on their dam. Last year after the flooding, they were very active repairing everything....


Anonymous said...

Where abouts is the park you are referring to? We would like to check it out too. :)


Bernie May said...

I can let you know where it is if you come see me. Cathie & I talked about letting people know, but decided against publishing a location openly. Although they're used to visitors, if there was a sudden increase in tourists, it wouldn't be good for them

-- Bernie