Monday, March 06, 2006

This could spell a mass exodus from AOL

Excerpt from an article:

Yahoo / AOL announced they will guarantee access to your email inbox for email senders who pay $.0025 per message. This will override their own spam filters and deliver the mail directly with a "certified" notice. The result, they will treat more of your email as spam and email you're expecting won't be delivered. The logic is that people who have to pay to send email won't send junk email.

Email readers and senders will both lose, because their service is only valuable if it "saves" you from their spam filters. Instead, they have an incentive to treat more of your email as spam, thereby encouraging people to sign up. Email senders who just want to reach may eventually be in trouble. Once a pay-to-speak system like this gets going, it will be increasingly difficult for people who don't pay to get their mail through. The system has no way to distinguish between ordinary mail and bulk mail, spam and non-spam, personal and commercial mail. It just gives preference to people who pay.

1 comment:

Karl Plesz said...

Folks, Jon is a busy lad. So when he commits to the time necessary to type this kind of reply, you know he's got something on his mind.

Anyway, thanks for the update. I still feel (big) companies will flock to the opportunity to guaranteed delivery of mail for the purposes of junk marketing. Time will tell of course how this pans out.