Friday, March 03, 2006

I didn't quit............... I scaled back

You may be wondering why I haven't referred you to any more of my posts on the Music Blog. It's because I decided to cease my contributions to that blog. No - there wasn't anything wrong - I just didn't feel I could maintain the level of writing that they were expecting from their authors. It was fun while it lasted, but there aren't enough hours in the day to worry about whether I'm blogging enough (both quantity and quality). This blog (White Noise) will always be my preferred method of communicating my thoughts. No quotas, no worries, no limits, and of course - no pay. Perhaps when I am retired and have plenty of time to contribute much more regularly to a blog (or whatever exists at that time), I may reconsider writing for money. Unless some gracious individual feels like subsidizing my income without any guarantee of output from me........... Nah, I didn't think so. So now that I am no longer a contributor to the Music Blog, I fully intend to resume writing about music that moves me here instead. Watch this space..............

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