Sunday, January 01, 2006

A cause worth supporting

Most people like to have a cause. I used to have a cause when I worked at a small, private training institution named ABES. My cause was to give everyone I came in contact with a fair shake. Or two or three if necessary. It was a rewarding experience, because I saw many people go from feelings of hopelessness in unemployment, to elation and self-worth in a new career.

If you are looking for a cause, I recommend checking out the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). What are they all about? I'll let Cory Doctorow tell you himself (Read paragraphs 3 - 10). But they are involved in trying to protect your rights as consumers in everything from the Broadcast Flag to DRM and DMCA, bloggers' rights, privacy and spam. Don't know what half of those things mean? That's why the EFF is trying to raise awareness on the issues - and more importantly, fight on our behalf.

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