Monday, December 12, 2005

Lookin for some hot stuff

I have an idea for cars whose time has come. Hybrid cars make a car more efficient by recouping wasted energy into electricity and shutting the engine off when not needed. But what about all that wasted heat? We need to find a way to capture lost heat from the engine and store it in a way that it can be used later. This stored heat could be used to heat the engine and car interior prior to use in winter, for example.

Now what did I do with that patent office number again...........?


Karl Plesz said...

I'm actually thinking more of a conversion system - where the heat is converted to some other form of storage (electricity, chemical, whatever). I agree that storing the heat in raw form would be difficult.

Karl Plesz said...

I envision something along the lines of a scaled up version of a hand warmer.