Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry......"

It occurs to me that our automobile culture has turned drivers into people with split personalities. Think about it for a moment. I find myself gesturing and saying things while driving my car that I would never do or say in another situation. Nor am I alone in this behaviour. Worse - I've seen or heard tales of drivers who allow a situation to escalate into borderline fisticuffs, when a calmer head would have resulted in the moment passing and being forgotten within minutes.

What is it about the automobile that inflates our egos? Do we feel invincible?

1 comment:

Bernie May said...

OK, what is it about people that deal with volunteers that think that abusing them is going to get what they want? My wife had a run-in with a moron tonight over a fund-raiser for Scouts. He wanted his popcorn right now! When C. didn't put up with his abusive language (yes, the b*tch word was used) it started getting nasty. He was going to have her fired. Fired from what? She's a freaking volunteer! Who on occasion has his son's life in her hands!

Anonymity. That's what I put it down to. That & control issues.