I'm not a politician (although some people have told me I could be) and I don't have all the answers, but I think something needs to change to prevent the nonsense that's occurring in the House of Commons right now. The opposition party is trying to bring the minority government down even before the budget has been passed. The proposed budget is full of money that some people have been fighting for for a long time and the opposition seems quite willing to abandon all that for the sake of political expediency. "Oh don't worry, we'll fulfill these deals if you elect us..." Yeah, whatever. Even mayors across the country are speaking out, saying "pass this budget before you take the government down!"
Personally, I don't see the benefit of ousting a government before their term is up. I mean seriously - if we have another election this summer, it will costs millions. All the things the current government has proposed to do during their term will be lost. The public has already spoken and said they don't want another election right away, but the opposition doesn't seem to be listening. I'm not suggesting that a minority government should be allowed to run amok for 4 years unchallenged, but challenges should be reasonably paced. The opposition made it very clear they were going to topple the current government at the earliest opportunity, instead of the tact the NDP have used, which is to use their influence to massage policy more to their liking.
If I was Mr. Speaker, I'd stand up in the House and say, "get back to work!"
Your a Liberal from Quebec How could anyone guess
Guess Who
I usually just lurk about and read your posts a couple times a week. Today, however, I decided to throw my support to you. Your ABSOLUTELY correct about this government. Moreover, what we need is not another good-for-nothing lot in Parliament. I've got nothing against Mr. Harper but I remember the shnanigans of the Mulroney years (NAFTA, GST, stacking the good-for-nothing Senate, patronage scandals, etc . . .) all too well to ever support the Conservatives- come-lately either. I personnally think we need a massive overhaul of the first past the post system that would make every ballot count and make an election results truly representative of the peoples will. What do you think?
P.S., or on another topic altogether, keep up the good work on your blog. I really enjoy popping in for a quick read.
Guess Who: Yes I am a Liberal and I am from Quebec. Anyone who reads my blog or knows me well knows that. But you'll notice that I did not defend the Liberals. They deserve to pay politically for their transgressions - and they will. Whether it's this summer or 3 summers from now. In fact I'm such an embarrassed Liberal, that I'm actually considering checking out the Green Party. How radical is that for ya? My question to Guess Who is - how different would the country be (in terms of honesty) when the opposition got into power?
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