Saturday, January 01, 2005

It's alive!!

So there I was, on the first day of the new year, trying my best (and failing miserably) to fulfill my duties as a member of a consumer society at the nearest mall. So, rather than paying much attention to the wares on display at the various stores, I'm actually watching the people, in particular the future consumers of the world - the toddlers. You know, the ones who've just begun to master the skill of walking? These bio-mechanical pooping automatons their makers let loose at the mall, these mini Frankensteins shrieking at their new-found freedom. Arms out in an effort to balance themselves on their recently trained legs. Cute? Sure. But what's even more interesting is watching their parents' reactions to their spawn's independant mobility. It's like watching mad scientists admire their latest creation escape the lab.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I laughed reading this blog I was slapped with my own experiences as a parent. My daughter who is now 20 months and flexing her independence from the beginning of mobility has shown us everything that is in her reach that should not be. I have seriously thought of contracting her out to new parents that want to baby proof their home. To her it's a game called "Who will get there first". Going over to company takes on a whole new meaning. Letting her loose in a mall ... no thank you, but I will take an open field.