Sunday, October 03, 2004

Message to Bronco Dave

Dave Bronconnier, our illustrious mayor seems to be going into this next municipal election unopposed by any high-profile challengers. So many have come to the conclusion that he will win again. Well, Dave - here's a wish list of things I'd like to see accomplished soon:

1. Let's get the rest of this ring road underway, huh? Maybe before the non-existent 'urban sprawl' extends past the ring road's proposed location? Oh too late...

2. Why did the LRT extension in the northwest stop at Dalhousie? How about we push it all the way out to Crowfoot and beyond. But let's do it now, rather than 20 years down the road.

3. Speaking of LRT extensions, what about our residents in the Northeast? They must be steamed by now - no extension in sight and no immediate plans to put the line anywhere near the airport. How short-sighted is that?

4. If you haven't figured it out by now, you are wasting large amounts of tax dollars paving the major arteries (like the Trans Canada Highway) with asphalt instead of concrete. The ruts that have formed on some of these streets from all the truck traffic is almost enough to prevent me from changing lanes...

5. I think it's time to consider a bold new direction for LRT traffic in the downtown core - up. After all, one of the major stumbling blocks to increasing the frequency and length of trains through the network is the bottleneck of the downtown core. Why LRT doesn't get priority over vehicle traffic is beyond me. But the obvious solution is to elevate the lines to the Plus 15 level. Oh my god! What a concept, eh? Put the stations at the same level as the walkways that connect most of the downtown buildings together! No more interference by traffic, so now you can add more trains.

Geez, I'm in the wrong frickin' job...


Karl Plesz said...

Oh NO! Not the dreaded quotes! Aaaarrrgh! :D

Karl Plesz said...

I surrender! I surrender! Make it stop!