Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I'll have what she's having, hold the banter, hold the spice

Servers - Write my order down! It won't make you look bad and logarithmically increases my chances of actually getting what I asked for. Also, if you took my order, at least be the one who delivers my meal. An alternate server doesn't know that I wanted a side of mayo and they won't care that it's missing, because they're not the one getting the tip.

Host(ess) - Stop asking how my day was when I arrive and how my meal was when I leave. If I actually stopped to tell you, would you really care?

Chefs/Cooks - Enough with the spicy seasonings already! We don't all like our food smothered in the latest hot spice du jour. Every spicy dish should have a non-spicy alternative.

1 comment:

Karl Plesz said...

You're right. I snuck a trip to Cali last summer and that was taken at Monterrey. As you can tell, I was very happy to be there.