Sunday, July 09, 2006

"Little boxes....... and they all look just the same"

I've mentioned this TV show before and now the first season is out on DVD. I'm talking about Weeds. If the idea of a widow who tries to make ends meet by taking up selling marijuana in her upscale California neighbourhood sounds like it has potential, then run to your nearest store and buy this series. Word on the street is Showtime is working on season 2.

I would link you to the show's official site on Showtime, but as you may or may not know, the brainiacs at Showtime have made it so only folks from the US can access their site (without a proxy) - even though their product is for sale in this place called 'everywhere but the USA'. Sorry for the rant..........

P.S.: The title of the post is taken from the opening song "Little Boxes".

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