Monday, July 10, 2006

Food data you can use

Some people I know spend a lot of time analyzing their diet for health reasons. I'm one of those people. That's why I found this site, Nutrition Data, to be the most sophisticated analysis site out there. Example: I wanted to know the scoop on almonds (follow along if you'd like). Up in the top right hand corner, type in the name of the thing - in this case almond. Click food search. It lists all the things it has data on with almond in it, including the one I was looking for - nuts, almonds, dry roasted, with salt added. Click the entry you want data on and voila - oodles of information.

But you can approach this from the other side - if you want to know what foods will meet a certain criteria, choose Food Category Explorer from the Tools menu. Choose the spot on one of the 2 coloured maps that describes the caloric ratio or fullness vs. nutritious factor and click. It will list what foods fall onto that part of the graph.

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