Friday, September 27, 2024

Call of the void

The psychological phenomenon known as "the call of the void" (or "l'appel du vide" in French) is a thing. It refers to a sudden, inexplicable urge to engage in dangerous behaviors, such as the impulse to jump from a high place (like a cliff or a building), even though there is no actual desire to die. It's a fleeting thought, not linked to any suicidal intent or mental illness.

Psychologists suggest that this phenomenon may be related to how our brain processes risk. It could be the brain's way of reaffirming the desire to live, triggering the thought and then quickly recognizing it as irrational, reinforcing the will to survive. Most people dismiss these thoughts immediately, and they do not act on them.

Despite the unsettling nature of the "call of the void," it is considered a fairly common human experience and doesn't indicate underlying mental health issues for most people.

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