Saturday, November 19, 2022

Things I learned lately 19 Nov

  • If you hear anyone use the words ‘immunity debt’ in a sentence, nod politely and walk away. There is no such thing. Your immune system doesn’t get weak because you haven’t been exposed to things for a while.
  • Only 56% of Albertans use winter tires.
  • Alberta has 48% of all the Safeway stores in Canada.
  • The Calgary Flames hockey team’s mascot, Harvey the Hound, was voted the league’s worst mascot.
  • Dinosaurs were around for so long that there were already dinosaur fossils while they were still alive.
  • Placebo medicine is more effective if the patient is told the medicine is expensive.
  • Australia has the largest population of feral camels in the world.
  • Swallowed gum will not stay in your stomach for 7 years. If it can’t be broken down, it exits with the rest of your bodily waste.
  • Birds will not abandon their babies if they have a human scent on them.
  • There are a significant number of white people in the south and in middle America that think they are part Cherokee, when it’s highly unlikely. Contrary to what your family may have told you, there wasn't a "Cherokee princess" in the family. People get defensive about this because you have to accept that A) your family accidentally misled you on something your whole life; B) you don't have some Cherokee princess Native American blood. It’s just a folk tale passed down through generations.

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