Friday, October 07, 2022

Things I learned lately 7 Oct

  • In Montreal, the overnight or late night buses will stop in between stops for anyone travelling alone and asking the driver to do so.
  • Rice Krispies Marshmallow Squares were invented in 1938 in Tampa, Florida. Kellogg's loved the new treat made with their cereal and put the recipe right on the box by 1940.
  • Eating lunch at your desk may not be fun, but you can get some work done. In France, that's forbidden. The French labor code prohibits workers from eating lunch in the workplace.
  • Legend has it that the Danish pastry was invented by accident by a thoughtless French chef in the 17th century, who opened a bakery in Paris to sell the "thousand leaves" pastries that became so popular that he franchised to Italy, where Austrian tourists apparently noticed them. Fast forward to 1850. Striking Danish bakers were scabbed over by bakers from Vienna, who didn't know how to make native Danish pastries, so they made what are now called Danish pastries. It became a hit in Denmark, where it’s called a "Viennese," while Germans call it a "Copenhagener".
  • The science of happiness says these things promote happiness: enhanced social connections - quality, not quantity; performing random acts of kindness; express gratitude - writing down 3 things you're grateful for at the end of each day, and why they happened; mindfulness - be present, don't judge your emotions, but recognize them; be present in the moment rather than dwelling on the past or looking anxiously to the future; understand that setbacks are part of being human, and all people experience them; cultivate a warm, supportive inner voice rather than a hostile, self-critical one.
  • There are 305 Tesla supercharger locations in California. There are 100 in all of Canada.

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