Friday, September 30, 2022

Small things 30 Sep

  • We went to Montana’s lately. They only have chicken fajitas now. No more steak fajitas. For what it’s worth, you can also have a fajita with no chicken. $14 for a sizzling pan of vegetables.
  • The next time you’re thinking of donating books to a thrift store, consider giving them to the neighbourhood Little Free Library, so that readers can have an opportunity to read them for free, instead of an already rich mega-corporation getting the books for nothing.
  • A woman at work has a word for certain types of men: ‘douchenozzle
  • Backups are cheap compared to regrets.
  • Any unsolicited message with the words 'great opportunity' isn't.
  • Very few people actually use the extended warranty.
  • Halloween is basically the only thing stopping stores from stocking Christmas decorations on shelves in September.
  • One thing I was not prepared for as an adult is all the cardboard boxes I’d have to break down and put in a bin every week.
  • Aim to die broke. Give to your beneficiaries before you die, it's more fun. Spend it all. Your last check should go to the funeral home and it should bounce.
  • Biggest mom burn I ever saw: "They used to be called jumpolines. Then your mom jumped on one back in 1982."

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