Friday, September 02, 2022

Small things 26 Aug

  • Remember when retailers said that if we insisted on raising minimum wage, they’d replace everyone with robots? Well now that they can’t find workers, where are the robots?

  • What happens if you’re already autistic and you get a vaccine?
  • Millennials. Walking around like they rent the place.
  • Going into a grocery store without a bag realizing that this store doesn’t provide bags, “It’s OK. I’m just getting a few things.” Then trying to balance 8 things all the way back to the car, when I could have just gone back to the car and grabbed a bag.
  • The problem with getting old is that you have a thought, but then you have a second thought and they ricochet off of each other and go off in random directions, never to be seen again.
  • Supposedly the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So today I had to reboot my computer a few times to try and get the internet working.
  • Facebook should only allow you to change your relationship status 3 times in a year. After that it defaults to 'unstable'.

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