Friday, June 10, 2022

Things I learned lately 10 Jun

  • Apple intends to work with automobile brands to expand what Apple CarPlay does in a vehicle. This means it may be possible not only for the CarPlay app to use more of a car's screens, but also incorporate more vehicle data into the app, including fuel, speed and temperature controls. Car makers may not go along with this expansion, as they quietly fear becoming slaves to the whims of software companies.
  • 85% of all Aussies live within 50 km of the coast.
  • The population of just England, not including Wales, Scotland or Ireland, has more than double the population than all of Australia. Also the city of Tokyo has more than the land down under.

  • Martin Luther King Jr was a fan of Star Trek, loving that it showed a future with people of all colours working together in harmony. He urged Nichelle Nichols, who plays Uhura, to stay on the show even though she was considering a move to Broadway, because she was a good role model.
  • It was legal to sell your child in Mississippi until 2009. That is to say that there was no law against it until 2009, after a woman tried to sell her granddaughter for $2000 and a car.
  • Black Panthers are not a species. They are jaguars and leopards who have "Melanism", the opposite of albinism, which causes them to have black skin.
  • In 2009 Burger King ran the "Whopper sacrifice" campaign, which gave a free Whopper to anyone who deleted 10 friends on Facebook. Facebook suspended the program because Burger King was alerting people letting them know they'd been dropped as a friend in exchange for a burger.
  • Paul McCartney is the only artist to reach the top of the UK charts as a solo artist, duo, trio, quartet, quintet and musical ensemble.
  • It's the Canadian poem 'In Flanders fields' that created the association between poppies and military veterans.
  • Decal seen on car: "Tell your dog I said hi"
  • Roughly 40% of the corn grown in the US is processed into ethanol fuel.

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