Friday, February 18, 2022

Small things 18 February

  • The CDC says it's not omicron unless it comes from the Omicronne region of France, otherwise, it's just sparkling covid.
  • You might think the 1970s were technologically backwards, but we dried our clothes using the vary best solar and wind technology money could buy. It was called a clothes line.
  • Imagine you start digging like crazy only to figure out your metal detector is picking up your steel toed boots.
  • Imagine how hard the pandemic lockdown was for people with secret families...
  • Gordon Ramsay versus The Swedish Chef. Who would win?
  • If a prisoner briefly dies and is revived can they argue that they've served their life sentence?
  • A fun game to play is "Is my headache from dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, impending food coma, stress, lack of sleep, diabetic shock, brain tumor, or not wearing glasses?"
  • Snoring is basically bragging about being asleep, so loudly, that it stops other people from sleeping.
  • Dog thoughts: Dude, this homework looks really hard. Do you want me to eat it?
  • Baby thoughts: Why would I want a train going into my mouth?
  • Do you, Karen, take Dave the Optometrist to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or worse? Better.... or worse? Better.... or worse?
  • He showed off his Klingon bird of prey tattoo. Nobody could see it.
  • The next time a server hands me my bill, I'd like to give him a reverse Uno card and see what happens.
  • What did Yoda say when he saw himself in 4K? HDMI...

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