Thursday, October 29, 2020

Small things 29 Oct

  • Doctor: Your body has run out of magnesium. Me: 0Mg

  • This is the perfect time to get braces (assuming you wear a face mask when you go out).
  • "No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars." ~AOC
  • You can't expect everyone to recycle when what goes into the recycle bin still ends up in the landfill.
  • Don't be a good ol' boy. Or a proud boy. Or one of the boys. Forget boys will be boys. Be a man.
  • Annoying: When you see an online ad for something you want, so you go to their site to order it and it's not available.
  • I don't get the 'regular coffee add n shots of espresso'. Why not just have an espresso?
  • It's amusing when people who are shopping say things like, "omg i can't believe you have to work on this holiday!" Um, like you're the reason they have to work! Go home already.
  • Imagine if the price of your retail / restaurant order kept increasing every time you acted like an a-hole to the staff?
  • If your company says they care about mental health in the workplace, but they don't do anything to improve worker conditions, they're lying.
  • It must suck when you can't use the church anymore to be homophobic. (Pope Francis endorses gay civil unions)
  • Calling Trump a clown is an insult to clowns.
  • I have an idea for a product. It's called the slow clapper. It's basically two hands that slowly clap together on a post you can stake into the ground or place on a stand on the floor. It would be very useful to place in front of the houses of people who get Covid after they refuse the vaccine.
  • Don't tell anti-mask protestors that masks protect against Covid. Tell them it stops facial recognition software used by 5G Federal Government Skynet from tracking you.
  • Remember when people thought transparent gadgets and electronics were cool?
  • Am I the only person noticing that CEOs are suddenly choosing to retire right now, just when times are tough and most employees are at risk of either losing their jobs or hours or seeing reduced wages?
  • We isolate now so that when we gather again, nobody is missing.
  • For those who wanted a world without vaccines, here's the world without ONE vaccine....

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