Friday, October 23, 2020

Small things 23 Oct

  • Trump said that if he loses the election, he might leave the country. Umm, Canada is closed.
  • You never want to live too close to grandma, because she can hear your stomach rumbling from at least 500 metres away. And you will eat.
  • Aliens invade earth and when someone asks them why they're here and what they want the aliens are like, "We came here to get wood." and they have to wait a minute for the humans to stop giggling. (you know, because wood is rarer than diamonds)(companion note in Things I learned lately)

  • You know, in the olden days they had no cell phones but they chopped peoples' heads off with a guillotine. Coincidence? I think not. We have cell phones now, AND we have our heads.
  • Alberta: When people with a lot of money get private healthcare, they stop caring if public healthcare is any good. Then they start wondering why they have to help pay for public healthcare at all. Then they tell their politician friends to stop funding it. Which they do, because they know where their next big donation's coming from.........
  • Some day there's gong to be a class action lawsuit filed against kijiji (online classifieds). Because people who buy or sell something on kijiji, as soon as you're ready to meet up with them, always seem to experience untimely and unexpected car trouble, heart attacks, deaths, relatives needing to be rushed to hospital, floods.....
  • Trump smoke detectors. They stay silent so you don't panic.
  • The spread of Covid is based on 2 factors. 1. How dense the population is. 2. How dense the population is.
  • I have an idea for Halloween this year. The candy-pult.
  • WalMart must be going broke. They just announced they're discontinuing their price match policy.

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