Friday, August 28, 2020

Small things 28 Aug

  • Nobody hears a car alarm and thinks, "Oh, that car is being stolen." It's just an annoying sound we want to stop. We want the car to be stolen FASTER!
  • Alternate name for curly fries: rotatoes
  • I'm scratching my head at politicians in the US using New Zealand as an example of a resurgence of Covid. You mean, like, 10 a day? That resurgence? As compared to what? Your 40,000 a day? Or the mid July resurgence of 70,000 a day?
  • I used to crastinate. Then I decided to go pro.
  • Targeted ads are really pissing me off when they advertise things I've already bought. They need to get their act together with MasterCard so they know when it's 'mission accomplished'.
  • They say that change does not come from a place of comfort. Yet people find coins in their sofa all the time.

  • In the 1970s, we had high tech toys as kids too. Can you say Lite Brite? Awww yeah..... Also, Easy-bake Oven. Whoever made those things must have owned shares in light bulb companies.....
  • I wonder if there are adults who, as kids, didn't know the real purpose of a wooden spoon until they moved out on their own. They'd be in the kitchenware department asking "Uh, why do they keep the punishment devices with the utensils?"
  • Is a grand piano basically just a giant 88 stringed hammered dulcimer?
  • It would be difficult to post notices about a missing stapler.......
  • If you looked at every posed boxing standoff photo as if it were from a gay wedding, you'd laugh every time. 
  • If you surround yourself with people who always agree with you, you learn nothing.

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