Friday, July 03, 2020

Things I learned lately 3 July

  • A cough can propel saliva droplets as far as 20 feet.
  • Florence, Oregon once tried to blow up the rotting carcass of a beached whale with dynamite. It did not go well.
  • Target has a 'try it on' mirror by the non-medical masks so you can see what you look like in different masks before you buy one. Well, that's a fail.
  • If the sun was as small as a pea, the earth would be a speck 70 cm away. Jupiter would be a poppy seed 4 metres away. Pluto would be 30 metres from the sun. Voyager 1 would be almost 97 metres away. The nearest star, Proxima Centauri would be 202 km away.
  • There is a small landlocked enclave of Spain inside of France called LlĂ­via.
  • If you try to get Google Maps directions to anywhere in South America (by car), you'll get an error. That's because the 100 km wide "Darien Gap" (pictured) between Panama and Columbia has no paved roads. Someone tried driving that gap and then some (200 km) through the jungle and it took them 741 days.
  • Edmonton and Toronto are close to being named as hub cities if the NHL resumes playing this year.
  • Rhode Island's official name is "the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations". For now anyway. By July 2020, they may have voted to drop the "and Providence Plantations" part.
  • Microsoft is closing all of its stores.

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