Friday, June 19, 2020

Things I learned lately 19 June

  • Hackers pretended to be corporate recruiters on LinkedIn working for US defense contractors. They sent phony job offers to employees at European defense companies and managed to gain access to systems at two of those companies in late 2019. This was accomplished by sending documents that contained malicious code through LinkedIn’s private messaging feature.
  • The Aunt Jemima brand will be retired, acknowledging its racist past. Uncle Ben's may be next.
  • In the US, civil forfeiture laws basically enable law enforcement to declare any large sum of money you're carrying in your car to be "the proceeds of crime" and confiscate it, without charging you with anything. Also, the police can then do what they want with that money.
  • Before airline pilots are allowed to fly into Quito airport, they have to attend two 4-hour simulator sessions to prepare them for the tricky, fast, high altitude approach.
  • Alberta RCMP admit systemic racism in the force.
  • The US Marines just banned the display of the Confederate flag.
  • In some stores (especially in the US), products tailored to black customers are often locked away or have extra security placed on them.

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