Friday, February 14, 2020

Things I learned lately 14 Feb

  • In America, you can buy giant containers of powdered cheese from Kraft Macaroni & Cheese (KD as it's known in Canada).
  • Despite their prevalence in Italian cuisine, tomatoes are from the Americas and were not widely adopted into Italian cooking until the late 17th century.
  • Movie trailers are known as such because they were originally shown after the movie ended (and thus trailed the movie) instead of before the movie as they are in the present day.
  • Despite the widely held belief that ostriches stick their heads into sand when threatened, there has never been a single observation of such behaviour in wild or domestic ostriches.
  • There are roughly 1800 tornadoes in the US every year. I read that and I was blown away.
  • Apparently, if you leave $1 in your will to a family member, they can't contest the will on the grounds that they were forgotten.
  • In Windows 10, there exists Microsoft Print to PDF, which is now available to any program that can print, to convert the output to a PDF file.
  • The various projects working on autonomous vehicles are also trying to figure out how to mitigate motion sickness in passengers.
  • Switzerland has a political party dedicated to the elimination of PowerPoint.

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