Friday, February 21, 2020

Small things 21 Feb

  • "Then the 30s, Hitler, Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, second World War, Russian front. Not a good idea. Hitler never played Risk when he was a kid.... 'cause you know, when you're playing Risk, you could never hold on to Asia." ~Eddie Izzard
  • I think it would be fun to make fake jewellery out of weird things, to see who notices. Like a ring featuring a Shreddie. Or a necklace with a paperclip on the end. 
  • Memories of 1996: Sometimes you wanted to rent a movie, but the video store had already rented all the copies out. If you were lucky, there was a waiting list.
  • Imagine a wikipedia that once an entry is made, that's it, no changes. Well, that was encyclopedias..... And they cost money! A lot.
  • Memories of 1994: "Could you hurry up and get off the phone so I can use the internet!"
  • What's the longest you've ever remembered a phone number by heart? I still remember mine from when I was a teen. Of course, my mom still has that number.....
  • Memories of 1977: Phones were either on a table or mounted to the wall and you could only talk as far away from the phone as the handset cord could reach.
  • Remember when you were young and couldn't afford all the music you liked so you'd patiently wait until the weekend radio music countdown to record off the air? You tried your best to capture the whole song and hoped the DJ wouldn't talk too much over the beginning of the song?
  • You won't go blind looking at the bright side of life.
  • Life doesn't give you lemons. They're a hybrid crossbreed - we gave them to ourselves.
  • American Mom: "A new war? You got new war money? You never even finished the last two. We have plenty of war at home."
  • Imagine if politicians spent as much effort making society better as they did trying to make their rivals look bad.

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