Saturday, November 24, 2018

Small things 24 Nov

  • Why did the chicken cross the road? Because chickens don't know how to read the crosswalk signal. Poor chicken.....
  • I don't always manamana. But when I do doo doot doo do doo!
  • DO NOT ask the parents of a child on a leash if it was a rescue.
  • Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he can rob everyone.
  • When you think about it, Yelp is just people judging.
  • I'm curious who's buying these giant 2 foot diameter Christmas ornament balls. And how big is this tree they're decorating?
  • Instead of the bride taking the groom's name, or doing the hyphenated thing, married couples should hybridize their last names. So if a Smith married a Grabowski, you could have Smabowski, or Grabith, or Grasmithski. As generation went on, the names would get pretty ridiculous. Plesz / Mulikow = Plesikow, Mulesz. Plesz / Foisy = Ploisy, Foiesz. Taylor / Conklin = Taynklin, Conklor 

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