Friday, September 01, 2017

Small things - 1 Sep

  • "If wishes and buts were clusters of nuts we'd all have a bowl of granola." ~Steven Colbert
  • "Nazis are a lot like cats. If they like you, it's probably because you're feeding them." ~John Oliver
  • Especially if they've never had it before, give your kids some strong dark chocolate and watch their faces. Make sure you tell them it's chocolate first.
  • "I think the thing that makes working fun is really being on the same page. When everybody can contribute and that contribution is recognized and it moves the company forward in a way that everybody understands. That's what's really great. You're doing something bigger than yourself, you're doing it for each other and doing it as a team." ~Ben Horowitz
  • When people say 'You're so full of yourself', are they being ironic?
  • Does a Roomba taunt the broom every time it goes by?

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