How much does the tooth fairy leave at your house?
While waiting in line at the grocery store today, Darlene and I overheard one young lad telling this nice policewomen (whom the family knew) that he got $5 for his missing tooth.
Five bucks!!!! Man......... When I was a kid, we got a quarter. Not a quarter of five dollars, a 25 cent piece!
Surely inflation does not account for that kind of increase.
The Tooth Fairy did not exist in my family, we were happy we had teeth to eat with y'know?
Birthdays and Christmas were celebrated and we got to go trick or treating on Halloween around the neighborhood for real home made goodies. I am seriously ancient here. Retro
The Tooth Fairy did not exist in my family, we were happy we had teeth to eat with y'know?
Birthdays and Christmas were celebrated and we got to go trick or treating on Halloween around the neighborhood for real home made goodies. I am seriously ancient here. Retro
$2 in my house. The rest goes to the orthodontist(s). We missed the bullet on the first two, but the youngest sibling is making up for it.
2$ here as well....Heidi
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