Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I foresee a new TV channel - Extreme Weather

Certain politicians and organizations responsible for resisting the reduction of CO2 emissions claim that only crackpot scientists agree on the global warming phenomenon. It seems that this group is growing, consolidating and agree that the shit will soon hit the proverbial fan.

Computer simulations indicate that we can expect to enjoy lengthier heat waves; more extremely warm nights; Canada, Europe and the northern US will have more rain; droughts will last much longer. On the plus side, the growing season will lengthen. In essence, extreme weather will become more common, with more and stronger hurricanes, tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, more floods, more intense and longer heat waves (which leads to more forest fires) ...... you get the picture.

It's OK though....... our proactive governments just recently agreed that something should be done about it by 2050. So I'm not worried.

That's sarcasm..... in case you didn't quite sense it.

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