Monday, July 10, 2006

Young Americans

Music trivia time......... which of the following artists did not appear on the David Bowie album Young Americans (hits included Young Americans, Fame.....):

Luther Vandross
John Lennon
David Sanborn
Randy Jackson

The answer is provided in the comments.........................


Karl Plesz said...

The only person from that list that did not appear on the album is Randy Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of music trivia, I wonder if you can still buy the game? It was always a my favorite of mine.


Karl Plesz said...

I'm not sure which trivia game you speak of, but I rather enjoyed Trivial Pursuit's RPM (music) edition back in the day. I never owned it, but I reigned supreme whenever I played it. In the last decade or so, I've been trying to find it (even used) with no success.

Anonymous said...

Thats the one, If I ever find it somewhere I will let ya know.

I was pretty good at it too. I would like to play against my wife, im sure to win. hhahahaha

Good thing she's not beside me eh...:)