Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It's too much bull for me

Perhaps it's my maturityold age combined with a dash of no longer being able to accept the standard "because we've always done it that way" answer anymore, but I have begun to question the value of rodeos. Yeah, I can hear the Westerners fuming already. Hell, I'm living in Calgary fercrissakes, home of the world-famous Stampede. But allow me to continue.

I think I understand what a rodeo is about. It's a competition showcasing the skills that developed as part of Western life. Well - with the exception maybe of riding the bull. That's just plain showing off. The point is, while the skills themselves may merit developing, I don't believe animals getting hurt or killed to showcase them is appropriate anymore. I mean, the ability to avoid and outrun a bear in the wild is an important skill. But we don't go showcasing it by tossing an innocent family into the ring with a bear and waiting to see how long before the fight or flight instinct kicks in. In fact even an act as bizarre as bull riding has been (in bars anyway) modernized by the mechanical bull.

So while Stampede will always be a great showcase for agriculture, cowpeople and the only official venue for getting mini-donuts - I hope the rodeo aspect of the exhibition is something that will become a distant memory.............. These are my thoughts only.

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