Thursday, July 13, 2006

I came along at the peak of Karldom

This scores very high on my coolness meter. The Baby Name Wizard will take whatever name you type and give you a statistical graph showing its popularity over the centuries. In my case, I typed in Karl and hit enter. See where that spike in Karl-ness occurs? That's when I was born! Coincidence? Not bloody likely. I tried Darlene's name - guess what? It peaks just a few years before she was named. Heidi! (my sister) Try it out. Talk about a peak in Heidis when you were born little sister!

[insert Twilight Zone music here]


Anonymous said...

Hey it works for Mom's name too. Weird. Kinda makes you feel small huh?? :) Heidi

Karl Plesz said...

I prefer to think of it as synchronicity.