I have a statistics package running on this blog. It helps me see where readers are coming from and what brought them here, including what they were searching for that led them to this blog. What I find most intriguing is not so much
what people were searching for that led them to my blog - but using which
search page. I've been a slave to Google lo these past few years, but it turns out that when I try to find links to this blog on topics that I know I have blogged, Google doesn't rank my posts very highly. That's not really a surprise to me - what is a surprise is that an alternative search, like Yahoo turns up a link to my posts well within the first 5 pages of results. I only made this discovery because others have been finding my posts similarly. Perhaps I will have to start considering alternatives to Googling full time.
Karl...Ask and ye shall receive.
1. Googled the search term "Zero-Dark-Thirty."
2. Clicked on "TalkBack: *Full-Proof* Way To Avoid DOJ e-Googling You | reader ..." from the list of Google hits.
3. Then clicked on "You still have complete privacy by using this...iqula -- Feb 3 2006, 6:10 AM PST" in the string of comments.
4. Wanted to research the free personal online desktop offering at http://www.cosmopod.com.
5. Entered the term "cosmopod" called out in the post into Google Search.
6. Clicked on "Summary Thoughts on CosmoPOD | Jon Watson's Tales from the Motherboard" in search results list.
7. Clicked on "White Noise" listed in left column of Jon Watson's Blog.
8. Read your "How did you find me?" entry, dated Thursday, July 13, 2006.
9. Submitted this in response to your request for statistical "How & What Got Me To Your Blog" feedback data.
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