From what I can tell, there's a real doctor crisis in our country. There are nowhere near enough family doctors to go around - most people I know don't have one or are on a waiting list to get one. This is one of the reasons why leaving my last doctor was such a hard decision.
The federal goverment says it doesn't understand what the problem is - there are plenty of graduates coming out of medical schools. Yet rural places like
Geraldton Ontario are about to lose most, if not all their doctors - despite offering salaries up to $400,000 a year with eight months of vacation. The government's solution in one case is to stop allowing doctors to set up practise in big cities until the rural vacancies are filled. In Montreal for example, it's estimated that some 300,000 people are looking for a doctor - which would justify 342 new physicians. But the government would only allow
5 new doctors to set up practise.
Meanwhile, we have immigrating health professionals entering our country, driving cabs for a living - because our laws won't recognize their qualifications and force them to go back to school before they can be certified.
I think it's time to pressure our political representatives to do something about this.